NIM Engieneering Ltd.
Control Umbilical Winch / FMC
Nov. 2004
FMC S/N: 45051075-001
FMC Material No.: 100035547
Max W.P.: 690 Bar
Size (LxWxH): 4665 mm x 4280 mm x 4127 mm (approx.)
Max Gross Mass: 17500 kg
Tare weight: 11100 kg
Certificate No: NCL 04026
Furnished with WOCS umbilical made by JDR:
1 each Umbilical, 100 mm OD x 1000 m (approx.) with tba. lines marked: JDR CABLE SYSTEM LTD S/N HU0470 MAIN UMBILICAL 0420/24 (used)
There are two similar umbilical winches available.
This is a part of a IWOCS, WOCS Subsea Production Equipment package. Link to more info for Listing ID: UL 06079.