Drawworks, National, 1320 UE - Refurbished   QTY.:1 each

ul02616-feature image
Listing ID: UL 02616
National Type 1320UE Drawworks, double drum, with rotary drive option. 7838 Brake and Motors are available. Refurbished.
On Request
For Sale

National 1320 UE double drum DC electric driven draw work rated 2000 HP, or 500 ton hook load capacity
Wire Rope size 1 3/8”

The drawworks unit comprises two skids for easy transport:
- main (front)skid, L x W x H: 790 x 200 x 310 cm
- motor (aft) skid, L x W x H: 770 x 190 x 290 cm

The 1984 model drawworks were originally used on the Total Alwyn Platform in the North-sea. On this platform there were originally two drilling rigs installed, one that drilled a lot of wells and the other that were idle after drilling just a few wells. The redundant drilling rig was therefore removed from the platform.

The drawworks has been totally refurbished except the sandline drum assembly that was in good condition. The catworks assy (Catheads) are available but they have not been refurbished as these normally are not required by drilling rigs anymore. The catworks (Catheads) need some work, if this equipment is required. The drawworks has been stored inside a warehouse all the time.

Note: Drawworks can be delivered complete with Elmagco brake model 7838 and two 1000HP DC drilling motors (not included).
The National Type 1320UE Drawworks is a refurbished, double-drum hoisting system with a rotary drive option, primarily used in the oil and gas industry for drilling operations, lifting heavy loads, and managing drill strings. Key Uses: - Oil and Gas Industry - Mining - Construction - Marine Operations - Geotechnical Engineering
Drawworks, National, 1320 UE - Refurbished - UL02616 - Quipbase.com - IMG_0633r.JPGDrawworks, National, 1320 UE - Refurbished - UL02616 - Quipbase.com - IMG_0634r.JPGDrawworks, National, 1320 UE - Refurbished - UL02616 - Quipbase.com - IMG_0635r.JPG

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